Results for 'Afrie S. Joye'

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  1.  44
    NP-Completeness of a Combinator Optimization Problem.M. S. Joy & V. J. Rayward-Smith - 1995 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 36 (2):319-335.
    We consider a deterministic rewrite system for combinatory logic over combinators , and . Terms will be represented by graphs so that reduction of a duplicator will cause the duplicated expression to be "shared" rather than copied. To each normalizing term we assign a weighting which is the number of reduction steps necessary to reduce the expression to normal form. A lambda-expression may be represented by several distinct expressions in combinatory logic, and two combinatory logic expressions are considered equivalent if (...)
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    Renaissance Philosophy.Lynn S. Joy - 1993 - Philosophical Quarterly 43 (173):537-539.
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    ""Helping staff help a" hateful" patient: the case of TJ.Joy D. Skeel & Kristi S. Williams - 2005 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 16 (3):202-205.
  4.  22
    Rationality among the Friends of Truth: The Gassendi-Descartes Controversy.Lynn S. Joy - 1995 - Perspectives on Science 3 (4):429-449.
    The philosopher Donald Davidson has argued in an influential article, “On the Very Idea of a Conceptual Scheme,” that there is no intelligible basis on which to distinguish between conceptual schemes that Kuhn and Feyerabend have treated as incommensurable or incompatible. He concludes that, given the underlying methodology of interpretation of speech behavior, we cannot be in a position to judge that others have concepts or beliefs radically different from our own. Thus, he adds, we cannot talk meaningfully about the (...)
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  5. Behaviour.I. Anna S. Olsson, Hanno Würbel & Joy Mench - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo (eds.), Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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    Leibniz and Arnauld: A Commentary on Their CorrespondenceR. C. Sleigh, Jr.Lynn S. Joy - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):133-134.
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    Descartes' Metaphysical Physics.Lynn S. Joy - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (1):187.
  8.  33
    Necessity, contingency, and the natural in modern science.Lynn S. Joy - 1997 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 28 (1):197-202.
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  9. Disproof of bell's theorem: Further consolidations.Joy Christian - unknown
    The failure of Bell's theorem for Clifford algebra valued local variables is further consolidated by proving that the conditions of remote parameter independence and remote outcome independence are duly respected within the recently constructed exact, local realistic model for the EPR-Bohm correlations. Since the conjunction of these two conditions is equivalent to the locality condition of Bell, this provides an independent geometric proof of the local causality of the model, at the level of microstates. In addition to local causality, the (...)
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    Disproof of Bell's Theorem.Joy Christian - unknown
    We illustrate an explicit counterexample to Bell's theorem by constructing a pair of dichotomic variables that exactly reproduce the EPR-Bohm correlations in a manifestly local-realistic manner.
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    Can Bell’s Prescription for Physical Reality Be Considered Complete?Joy Christian - unknown
    An experiment is proposed to test Bell’s theorem in a purely macroscopic domain. If realized, it would determine whether Bell inequalities are satisfied for a manifestly local, classical system. It is stressed why the inequalities should not be presumed to hold for such a macroscopic system without actual experimental evidence. In particular, by providing a purely classical, topological explanation for the EPR-Bohm type spin correlations, it is demonstrated why Bell inequalities must be violated in the manifestly local, macroscopic domain, just (...)
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  12. Maturana's biology and some possible implications for education.Joy Murray - unknown
    This paper is based on notes taken during a three day lecture given by Humberto Maturana in St Kilda, Victoria, August 7th - 9th, 1993. It was obvious from the participants that many non biologists have found Maturana's work to be influential in their thinking. The audience included immunologists, family therapists, academics, architects, agriculturalists and information technologists.
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    Epicureanism in Renaissance Moral and Natural Philosophy.Lynn S. Joy - 1992 - Journal of the History of Ideas 53 (4):573-583.
  14.  21
    A blinded placebo-controlled randomized trial on the use of astaxanthin as an adjunct to splinting in the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome.Joy C. MacDermid, Joshua I. Vincent, Bing S. Gan & Ruby Grewal - 2012 - In Zdravko Radman (ed.), The Hand. MIT Press. pp. 1-9.
  15. Desmond M. Clarke, "Occult Powers and Hypotheses: Cartesian Natural Philosophy under Louis XIV". [REVIEW]Lynn S. Joy - 1991 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 29 (1):117.
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    Passage to Modernity. [REVIEW]Lynn S. Joy - 1996 - Faith and Philosophy 13 (3):447-449.
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    Depressive symptoms related to low fractional anisotropy of white matter underlying the right ventral anterior cingulate in older adults with atherosclerotic vascular disease.Kelly R. Bijanki, Joy T. Matsui, Helen S. Mayberg, Vincent A. Magnotta, Stephan Arndt, Hans J. Johnson, Peg Nopoulos, Sergio Paradiso, Laurie M. McCormick, Jess G. Fiedorowicz, Eric A. Epping & David J. Moser - 2015 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 9.
  18.  39
    Reply to George A. Lopez's "more ethical than not".Joy Gordon - 1999 - Ethics and International Affairs 13:149–150.
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  19. Practical strategies to assess (and improve) welfare.Andrew Butterworth, Joy Mench, Nadja Wielebnowski & I. Anna S. Olsson - 2018 - In Michael C. Appleby, Anna Olsson & Francisco Galindo (eds.), Animal welfare. Boston, MA: CABI.
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  20. The Fundamental Political Fact: Aristotle's Path to Establishing the Importance of a City's Regime in Politics III/1-9.Joy Samad - 2011 - Acta Philosophica 20 (2):335 - 356.
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  21.  14
    Refutation of Some Arguments Against my Disproof of Bell's Theorem.Joy Christian - unknown
    In a couple of recent preprints Moldoveanu has suggested that there are errors in my disproof of Bell's theorem. Here I show that this claim is false. In particular, I show that my local-realistic framework is incorrectly and misleadingly presented in both of his preprints. In addition there are a number of serious mathematical and conceptual errors in his discussion of my framework. For example, contrary to his claim, my framework is manifestly non-contextual. In particular, quantum correlations are understood within (...)
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  22.  26
    Descartes by Marjorie Grene. [REVIEW]Lynn S. Joy - 1990 - Journal of Philosophy 87 (3):161-165.
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  23. Two Kinds of Knowledge in Croce's Philosophy of History.Joy H. Roberts - 1982 - International Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):35-47.
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    Udayana's refutation of the buddhist thesis of momentariness in the ātmatattvaviveka.Joy Laine - 1998 - Journal of Indian Philosophy 26 (1):51-97.
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  25. Dinah's Lament: The Biblical Legacy of Sexual Violence in Christian Interpretation.Joy A. Schroeder - 2007
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  26. On a Surprising Oversight by John S. Bell in the Proof of his Famous Theorem.Joy Christian - unknown
    Bell inequalities are usually derived by assuming locality and realism, and therefore violations of the Bell-CHSH inequality are usually taken to imply violations of either locality or realism, or both. But, after reviewing an oversight by Bell, in the Corollary below we derive the Bell-CHSH inequality by assuming only that Bob can measure along vectors b and b' simultaneously while Alice measures along either a or a', and likewise Alice can measure along vectors a and a' simultaneously while Bob measures (...)
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    Rejecting Natural Law and Society's Dissolution in Chaucer's Troilus.Joy M. Currie - 2003 - Mediaevalia 24:299-324.
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    Darwin's 'Angels': the Women Correspondents of Charles Darwin.Joy Harvey - 2009 - Intellectual History Review 19 (2):197-210.
  29.  37
    Disproof of Bell’s Theorem: Illuminating the Illusion of Entanglement.Joy Christian - 2014 - Boca Raton, Florida: BrownWalker Press.
  30.  29
    Descartes's Gambit. Peter J. Markie.Lynn Joy - 1987 - Isis 78 (2):259-260.
  31.  7
    Sihanada - The Lion's Roar.Joy Manné - 1996 - Buddhist Studies Review 13 (1):7-36.
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  32.  34
    Is Greed Good?: An Interpretation of Plato’s Hipparchus.Joy Samad - 2010 - Polis 27 (1):25-37.
    The Hipparchus features a conversation between Socrates and an un-named companion, at an unknown time and place, about gain and whether we should in any way limit our pursuit of gain. Socrates argues intransigently that we should not place any limits on our pursuit of gain, while the companion, despite being unable to counter his arguments, is equally firm in his rejection of Socrates’ moral position. The dialogue thus shows the strength of the conviction, in the souls of decent people, (...)
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  33. Programmatic and non-programmatic determinants of contraceptive prevalence levels in rural Bangladesh.M. A. Koenig, M. B. Hossain, N. C. Roy, J. F. Phillips, C. W. Warren, R. S. Monteith, J. T. Johnson, S. M. Greene, M. T. Joy & J. K. Nugent - 1989 - Journal of Biosocial Science 21 (4):409-17.
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    Simone de Beauvoir’s Racial “Others”: An Exploration of Whiteness in America Day by Day.Joy D. Simmons - 2008 - Simone de Beauvoir Studies 24 (1):66-75.
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    Understanding Parents’ Roles in Children’s Learning and Engagement in Informal Science Learning Sites.Angelina Joy, Fidelia Law, Luke McGuire, Channing Mathews, Adam Hartstone-Rose, Mark Winterbottom, Adam Rutland, Grace E. Fields & Kelly Lynn Mulvey - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Informal science learning sites create opportunities for children to learn about science outside of the classroom. This study analyzed children’s learning behaviors in ISLS using video recordings of family visits to a zoo, children’s museum, or aquarium. Furthermore, parent behaviors, features of the exhibits and the presence of an educator were also examined in relation to children’s behaviors. Participants included 63 children and 44 parents in 31 family groups. Results showed that parents’ science questions and explanations were positively related to (...)
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    Martial’s Epigrams: A Selection.Joy Connolly - 2011 - Classical World: A Quarterly Journal on Antiquity 105 (1):144-146.
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    Assessing Lawyers' Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide.Peter A. Joy - 2012 - Legal Ethics 15 (2):405-411.
    Peter A Joy reviews Assessing Lawyer's Ethics: A Practitioner's Guide by Adrian Evans.
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  38.  26
    On the Fatal Mistake Made by John S. Bell in the Proof of His Famous Theorem.Joy Christian - unknown
    We explain the elementary mistake made by John S. Bell in the proof of his famous ``theorem.''.
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  39. Failure of bell's theorem and the local causality of the entangled photons.Joy Christian - unknown
    A counterexample to Bell's theorem is presented which uses a pair of photons instead of spin-1/2 particles used in our previous counterexamples. A locally causal protocol is provided for Alice and Bob, which allows them to simulate observing photon polarizations at various angles, and record their results as A=+/-1 in S^3 and B=+/-1 in S^3, respectively. When these results are compared, the correlations are seen to be exactly those predicted by quantum mechanics; namely cos 2(alpha - beta), where alpha and (...)
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  40.  70
    Literary Racial Impersonation.Joy Shim - 2021 - Ergo: An Open Access Journal of Philosophy 8.
    Literary racial impersonation occurs when a narrative work fails to express the perspective of a minority ethnic or racial group. Interestingly, even when these works express moral themes congenial to promoting empathetic responses towards these groups, they can be met with public outrage if the group’s perspective is portrayed inaccurately. My goal in this paper is to vindicate the intuition that failure to express the perspective of a minority group well renders the work defective, both aesthetically and morally. I argue (...)
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    Philosophy of education in a new key: A collective writing project on the state of Filipino philosophy of education.Gina A. Opiniano, Liz Jackson, Franz Giuseppe F. Cortez, Elizer Jay de los Reyes, Marella Ada V. Mancenido-Bolaños, Fleurdeliz R. Altez-Albela, Rodrigo Abenes, Jennifer Monje, Tyrene Joy B. Basal, Peter Paul E. Elicor, Ruby S. Suazo & Rowena Azada-Palacios - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (8):1256-1270.
  42. Collision: Toward an Aesthetic of Hijacking: Cathy Choi’s B1206.Alexander Joy - 2014 - Evental Aesthetics 3 (2):11-21.
    This Collision uses an encounter with Cathy Choi’s B1206 , coupled with theories of aesthetic empathy, to articulate how hijacking as an aesthetic concept might work. The aesthetic faculty of empathy conceives of the aesthetic experience as “feeling into” a given work. This concept furnishes a useful framework for thinking about aesthetic hijacking, as “feeling into” something implies the displacement of the work or its viewer. Hijacking, then, could foreground that displacement by emphasizing spatial uncertainty. Furthermore, hijacking could be an (...)
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    Pamela Sue Anderson’s Journeying with Paul Ricoeur.Morny Joy - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (1-2):84-96.
    This essay on the life and work of Pamela Sue Anderson traces aspects of her scholarly work that I was very fortunate to share with her over twenty-six years. What brought us together was our commitment to feminism but also our strong interest in the work of Paul Ricoeur – which seemed to many people an odd combination, given Ricoeur’s silence on the topic of women and gender issues. Over the years, we met at conferences, read each other’s books, and (...)
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  44. Bell's Theorem Begs the Question.Joy Christian - manuscript
    I demonstrate that Bell's theorem is based on circular reasoning and thus a fundamentally flawed argument. It unjustifiably assumes the additivity of expectation values for dispersion-free states of contextual hidden variable theories for non-commuting observables involved in Bell-test experiments, which is tautologous to assuming the bounds of ±2 on the Bell-CHSH sum of expectation values. Its premises thus assume in a different guise the bounds of ±2 it sets out to prove. Once this oversight is ameliorated from Bell's argument by (...)
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    Ricœur’s Affirmation of Life in this World and his Journey to Ethics.Morny Joy - 2019 - Études Ricoeuriennes / Ricoeur Studies 9 (2):104-123.
    Although Paul Ricœur never wrote a book on acting and suffering, the essay focuses on Ricœur’s engagement with this topic. It was one of Ricœur’s abiding interests that consistently appeared over the years in a number of his works. Given his compassionate affirmation of life in this world, he was vitally concerned about human beings’ inhumanity, in the form of inflicting unmerited suffering on their fellow beings. His distress on this issue was clearly evident. This essay is an overview of (...)
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  46.  61
    An Error in Searle’s Criticism of Russell’s Theory of Descriptions.Joy H. Roberts - 1976 - Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 7 (1):15-19.
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    (1 other version)On Russell's rejection of akoluthic sensations.Joy H. Roberts - 1985 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 45 (June):595-600.
  48.  59
    Pragmatic effects on reference resolution in a collaborative task: evidence from eye movements.Joy E. Hanna & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 2004 - Cognitive Science 28 (1):105-115.
    In order to investigate whether addressees can make immediate use of speaker‐based constraints during reference resolution, participant addressees' eye movements were monitored as they helped a confederate cook follow a recipe. Objects were located in the helper's area, which the cook could not reach, and the cook's area, which both could reach. Critical referring expressions matched one object (helper's area) or two objects (helper's and cook's areas), and were produced when the cook's hands were empty or full, which defined the (...)
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  49. Disproofs of bell, ghz, and Hardy type theorems and the illusion of entanglement.Joy Christian - unknown
    An elementary topological error in Bell's representation of the EPR elements of reality is identified. Once recognized, it leads to a topologically correct local-realistic framework that provides exact, deterministic, and local underpinning of at least the Bell, GHZ-3, GHZ-4, and Hardy states. The correlations exhibited by these states are shown to be exactly the classical correlations among the points of a 3 or 7-sphere, both of which are closed under multiplication, and hence preserve the locality condition of Bell. The alleged (...)
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  50.  41
    Tuning the Mind in the Frequency Domain: Karl Pribram's Holonomic Brain Theory and David Bohm's Implicate Order.Shelli R. Joye - 2017 - Cosmos and History 13 (2):166-184.
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